Funny Animated GIFs #5


polar bear school

funny gifs

Suck in that GUT!

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Joke of the Moment:

I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.


We hope you enjoyed our collection of funny gifs. These are the craziest, weirdest and funniest gifs on the internet. Animated gif files are one of the most hilarious expressions of internet humor. They are even funnier when they combine moving pictures with a joke or quote. We searched across the whole internet and watched hundreds and hundreds of gifs to select the funniest ones, including animal gifs, relatable gifs, and fail gifs. If you love gifs, and would like to enjoy some more of the best GIF humor, visit our Tumblr blog, which we update on a daily basis with gifs that will make you pee your pants.

Humor is what makes our lives bearable when everything else in the world seems too much to handle. If you are similar to us, you often worry about your job, your school, your relationship, or your health. And sometimes it all becomes too much to bear. That’s when humor can help make the difference, and lighten up the darkest day, or the foulest mood, in an instant. Humour is a great healer. It keeps us from going crazy, and from taking ourselves too seriously. And even better, it’s highly contagious – when your friends share their favorite memes on Facebook, Tumblr or Google Plus, you can be infected by their laughter in a second. Sometimes all it takes is one good joke to change the way you look at life. May we all become hopelessly infected by the seed of humor, and pass it on to as many people as possible! 

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