Patriotic Pics, Jokes and Articles

Pictures, Jokes and Articles for those who love America:

Trump is Going to Kill Us All? Really?

That’s the best you can come up with?

At Trump’s Inauguration on January 20, 2017 I took this video of the crowd. […]

Funny Political Pics, Jokes and Articles

Funny political Pictures, Jokes and other stuff:

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Engineering Fails
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Hilarious Adult Humor

Donald Trump Funny Pics

These are so funny! Just keep scrolling down.

Donald Trump Funny Pic-Without his Wig.

Question: Why doesn’t Melania Trump want to be the first lady? Answer: Because she would have to move into a smaller house.

Sorry, but I had to add something political

Funny Donald […]

Naked Justin Bieber Attacks Once Again On Instagram! [PHOTOS]

If Kim Kardashian does it all the time —unexpectedly announced— then why can’t Justin Bieber? In fact, we’re starting to believe that the Biebs loves to flaunt his birthday suit on social media just as much as Kim. Earlier this week, the Canadian pop star and his naked self attacked once again on […]


Happy Valentines Day

See More Like This…

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics Funny Christmas Cartoons Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
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Hilarious Adult Humor

Funny Adult Humor #6

Joke of the Moment:

I couldn’t quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but eventually it came back to me.

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make […]

And this is why I don’t swim in the sea…

sea monster

And this is why I don’t swim in the sea…

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics
Funny Cat Pics
Funny Christmas Cartoons

Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
Hilarious Animated Sports
Hilarious Adult Humor

Funny Cartoon Joke


ROFL – unusual inmates…

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics Funny Christmas Cartoons

Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
Hilarious Animated Sports
Hilarious Adult Humor

LOL – Funny Joke Pic of the Day!

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Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics
Funny Christmas Cartoons

Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
Hilarious Animated Sports
Hilarious Adult Humor

LMAO – Funny Joke Pic!

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LOL – hilarious!

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics Funny Christmas Cartoons Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
Hilarious Animated Sports
Hilarious Adult Humor

Hilarious Joke Pic – ROFL!

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Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics Funny Christmas Cartoons Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
Hilarious Animated Sports
Hilarious Adult Humor

LOL – Hilarious Joke Pic!

lmao pic

If you enjoyed this, check out our Best Funny Jokes

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics
Funny Cat Pics
Funny Christmas Cartoons

Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
Hilarious Animated Sports
Hilarious Adult Humor

LMAO – Funny Joke Pic!

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Ha ha -way too funny!

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics Funny Christmas Cartoons

Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
Hilarious Animated Sports
Hilarious Adult Humor

LOL – Funny Joke Pic!

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Hilarious – LMAO!

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics Funny Christmas Cartoons Short Funny Quotes
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LMAO – Funny Joke Pic!

omg funny

LOL – that’s friendship!

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics Funny Christmas Cartoons Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
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Hilarious Adult Humor

LOL – Funny Joke Pic!

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LMAO – hilarious!

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics Funny Christmas Cartoons Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
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Hilarious Adult Humor

LOL – Funny Joke Pic!

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Hilarious – LMAO!

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics Funny Christmas Cartoons

Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
Hilarious Animated Sports
Hilarious Adult Humor

ROFL – Funny Joke Pic!

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LOL – way too funny!

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics
Funny Christmas Cartoons

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Hilarious Adult Humor

LMAO – Funny Joke Pic!

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Ha ha – can’t stop laughing!

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics
Funny Christmas Cartoons

Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
Hilarious Animated Sports
Hilarious Adult Humor

ROFL – Funny Joke Pic!

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LOL – funny love quote!

Check out These Other MUST See Collections of Funny Jokes and Cartoons–They will make you cry they are so funny! Funny Dog Pics Funny GIFs Funny Signs Hilarious Picture Quote – LMAO! Dieting Humor Funny Cartoon Pics Funny Cat Pics Funny Christmas Cartoons

Short Funny Quotes
Engineering Fails
Hilarious Animated Sports
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