Donald Trump Funny Pics

These are so funny! Just keep scrolling down.

Donald Trump Without Hair

Donald Trump Funny Pic-Without his Wig.

Question: Why doesn’t Melania Trump want to be the first lady?
Answer: Because she would have to move into a smaller house.

Donald funny gif

Sorry, but I had to add something political

Funny Donald Trump Signs

Funny Donald Trump Signs

Question: What did Donald Trump do before criticizing illegals?
Answer: He made sure his pools were clean and his lawns were mowed.

Funny Donald Trump Baby Pic

Donald Trump as a Baby

Donald Trump Zinger

Why does this Zinger look like Donald Trump?


Question: Why are Muslims worried about Trumps immigration plans?
Answer: Once you deport Juan you deport Jamal.

Yoda on Trump

Yoda on Trump

Question: What airline does Donald Trump aspire to fly?
Answer:Hair Force One!

Obama at Trump's Inauguration

Obama when he realizes he has to attend Trump's Inauguration


Obama on Trump Election

Obama on Trump Election

Question: How does Donald Trump plan on deporting 12 million illegal immigrants?
Answer: Juan by Juan.

Question: Why can't you compare Donald Trump to cancer?
Answer: Because sometimes you can get rid of cancer.

Make America Grate Again

Make America Grate Again

Question: Why doesn't Donald Trump sweat like Marco Rubio?
Answer: Because he has such yuuuuge fans!


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